Follow along with our step-by-step guides to build advanced visual configurations using Mode’s Visual Explorer


Field Guides

The Visual Explorer environment lends itself well for exploratory analysis, but sometimes you may have a specific visualization in mind. Below are some examples of possible visualizations you can build using Visual Explorer that you can use as starting points in your analyses.


Stacked Bars
This example will walk you through how to created a simple stacked bar chart with one continuous field that’s broken down by some dimension.
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Grouped Bars
This example will walk you through how to create a simple grouped bar chart with one continuous field that’s broken into groups based on some dimension.
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Combination Multiple Panes
This example will walk you through how to create a chart that is a combination of different mark types.
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Dual Axes
This example will walk you through how to create a chart with two measures that are set on a dual axis.
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Faceting / Small Multiples
This example will walk you through how to create a small multiples visualization. This is a great way to compare trends across groups on the same scale and axes.
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This example will walk you through how to create a funnel chart, which is great for capturing and tracking stages in a process.
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This example will walk you through how to create a simple line chart when you have one continuous, aggregated field that’s broken down by some dimension.
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Pie Chart
This example will walk you through how to create a simple pie chart where you’re breaking down some population across groups within a dimension.
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Pivot Table
This example will walk you through how to create a simple pivot table when you’re breaking down one value across multiple dimensions.
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Conditional Formatting
This example will walk you through how to apply conditional formatting to your pivot table.
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This example will walk you through how to create a simple scatterplot where you’re comparing (x,y) values of two continuous fields to identify patterns or correlations in your data.
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